To Whom It May Concern:
Dear Sir / Madame,
Due to popular demand, Faculty of Mining & Petroleum Engineering – Institut Teknologi Bandung (FTTM-ITB) will conduct a
short course entitled “ Geology, Geophysics And Geochemistry for Geothermal Exploration” in Savoy Homann Hotel -
Bandung from August 3-20, 2009. The course will be taught by :
Dr. Ir. Prihadi Soemintadireja (Ir: ITB, MT: ITB, Dr: Univ. Kyushu)
Dr. Eng. Suryantini (Dr. Eng. From Univ.Kyushu)
Ir. Niniek Rina Herdianita, MSc: Ir: ITB, MSc: Univ. Auckland, PhD Candidate: Univ. Auckland).
Dr. Hendra Grandis (Drs: ITB, DEA: Univ. Paris 7, Dr : Univ. Paris 7).
In this rigorous 3 weeks course, participants learn various methods of geology, geophysics and geochemistry used during
exploration of geothermal or hydrothermal system.
- Geology overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration. Furthermore, it gives knowledge about
alteration minerals, especially ones which are common in geothermal system.
- Geophysical study overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration. It gives knowledge how to compile
geological condition and geophysics anomalies and physical properties of rock to understand subsurface structure or
- Geochemistry overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration, type and distribution of geothermal fluids
and interpretation of reservoir condition.
This course is designed for reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers, geothermal employee, geochemistry employee, who
wish to get a through understanding on Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry for Geothermal Exploration.
Course fee is Rp.38.500.000,- (Thirty eight million and five hundred thousand rupiah only) per participant, includes hotel
accommodation, course fee , materials, coffee breaks & lunch.
We would be very grateful if you could pass this information to your staffs or colleagues who may get benefit from this
program. For further information on this Course please contact: Mrs. July K.Tunny, Unit Kerja Sama FTTM-ITB, Basic
Science Center-B 4th Floor, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Phone / Fax : (62-22) 2500047, Email : or
My best regards,
July Khuzaimah Tunny
Executive Assistant for External Affairs
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10
Bandung 4013
Telp/Fax : (022) 2500047
Dates : 3 -20 August 2009 (3 weeks course)
Instructor :
Dr. Ir. Prihadi Soemintadireja (Ir: ITB, MT: ITB, Dr: Univ. Kyushu)
Dr. Eng. Suryantini (Dr. Eng. From Univ.Kyushu)
Ir. Niniek Rina Herdianita, MSc: Ir: ITB, MSc: Univ. Auckland, PhD
Candidate: Univ. Auckland).
Dr. Hendra Grandis (Drs: ITB, DEA: Univ. Paris 7, Dr : Univ. Paris 7).
Venue : Savoy Homann Hotel - Bandung
Cost : Rp.38.500.000,- (Thirty Eight million and five hundred thousands
Includes: Hotel Accomodation, course fee & materials, Coffee-breaks &
Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan & Perminyakan-ITB (FTTM-ITB)
Gedung Basic Sciences Center B, 4th Floor
Jln. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Phones / Fax : (62-22) 2500047
E-mail address: Contact Person : July K.Tunny
Geology, Geophysics And Geochemistry
Instructor :
Dr. Ir. Prihadi Soemintadireja (Ir: ITB, MT: ITB, Dr: Univ. Kyushu)
Dr. Eng. Suryantini (Dr.Eng : Univ.Kyushu)
Ir. Niniek Rina Herdianita, MSc: Ir: ITB, MSc: Univ. Auckland, PhD Candidate: Univ. Auckland).
Dr. Hendra Grandis (Drs: ITB, DEA: Univ. Paris 7, Dr : Univ. Paris 7).
About the Course :
This course discusses various methods of geology, geophysics and geochemistry used during
exploration of geothermal or hydrothermal system.
- Geology overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration. Furthermore, it gives
knowledge about alteration minerals, especially ones which are common in geothermal system.
- Geophysical study overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration. It gives
knowledge how to compile geological condition and geophysics anomalies and physical
properties of rock to understand subsurface structure or reservoir.
- Geochemistry overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration, type and
distribution of geothermal fluids and interpretation of reservoir condition.
Course Outline:
1. Geology (5 days)
The aim of the course is to give an understanding of the geothermal system and geological
methods and their application to identify a geothermal area, including its surface manifestation,
within a volcanic area. Another main subject of this course is to understand various minerals
commonly occurring in geothermal system, its type of alteration and how to use it to understand
the behavior of reservoir.
Please return this form to:
Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan & Perminyakan-ITB (FTTM-ITB)
Gedung Basic Sciences Center B, 4th Floor
Jln. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Phones / Fax : (62-22) 2500047
E-mail address: Contact Person : July K.Tunny
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